

エペソ 6:1-9

S: エペソ 6:6-8 人のごきげんとりのような、うわべだけの仕え方でなく、キリストのしもべとして、心から神のみこころを行い、人にではなく、神に仕えるように、善意をもって仕えなさい。良いことを行えば、奴隷であっても自由人であっても、それぞれの報いを主から受けることをあなたがたは知っています。

O: A good Christian is the best possible employee. Sad to say, slavery still exists in some parts of the world, and some employment conditions aren't much better than slavery, but this is applicable to all forms of work. Everyone has encountered someone who “butters up” the boss, like Paul talks about in verse 6, but that only works sometimes, and there's no lasting benefit. The point is that all service is to be done as unto the Lord, whoever the immediate beneficiary might be. That's sometimes easier than at other times! It's easy to relate to if our boss is Christ-like, but much harder if he seems to be serving the opposition! The point stands, however, that all good service, given from the heart, is received by God.


A: I have certainly had my times of falling short in this area. Actually it can be particularly difficult when no one is standing over me and I have to be inner-motivated to be conscientious. I tend to put off things like creating and grading quizzes, and my lesson preparation is all too often slap hazard. In such cases, I lose out as much or more than my students do! I need to treat all parts of my life, not just things like devotions and sermon preparation, as serving God, and not slough off on any of it.


P: This sure hit a bull's eye! Father, help me recognize how I fail to serve You properly, so that I may repent in deed and not just theoretically. Help me be faithful at every task You set for me, whoever the immediate recipient might be. Help me take care of what I need to do in relation to the City Christmas, particularly in preparation for tomorrow's ministerial association meeting. Help me get the nursing school quizzes graded and the next quiz created, and guide as I prepare for the ST2 class Christmas party on Thursday. Help me not presume or coast, but be intentional in my preparation, as unto You, so that others may be drawn to You through my service, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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