

ヘブル 4:14-16

S: ヘブル 4:15 私たちの大祭司は、私たちの弱さに同情できない方ではありません。罪は犯されませんでしたが、すべての点で、私たちと同じように、試みに会われたのです。

O: Here we have one of the major differences between Christianity and every other religion. There is no other religion that posits that God became man, taking on our weakness, yet remained without sin. Greek and Roman mythology depicted gods who were all too weak, behaving like Hollywood celebrities do today, and Hinduism does the same. Other religions conjure up gods who are so other-worldly that they have little connection with us. Japanese Buddhism simply deifies people, and that certainly opens a can of worms. Only in Jesus Christ do we find God become man, and that is the wonder of Christmas. I certainly agree that we cannot state exactly when He was born, but that He was born is without question worthy of celebration! Bill Clinton made “I feel your pain” a political catch-phrase to the point that it became a joke, but Jesus can say it in truth, and that is absolutely marvelous and comforting.

O: ここではキリスト教徒他の宗教の大きな違いが見られます。神が人となり、人の弱さを持ち、それでいて罪を犯さなかったことを前提とする宗教は他にありません。ギリシャ神話、ローマ神話での神は弱く、現在のハリウッドスターのような振る舞いでした。ヒンズー教でも同じです。他の宗教でも世俗的で私たちとはあまり関連のない神を創り上げてしまっています。日本の仏教では人間が神格化され、そのためひどく厄介になっています。ただイエス・キリストにおいてのみ神が人となられたことが分かります。それがキリスト教のくすしさです。イエスの誕生がいつで会ったのかを確定できないという意見に私は同意しますが、確かに祝うに値することです。ビル・クリントンが「あなたの痛みを分かる」と政治のキャッチフレーズに使いジョークのようでしたが、イエスが言ったことは真実であり、絶対的な素晴らしさと慰めを含んでいます。

A: It is ironic that this truth is so central to the Gospel I proclaim, yet there are those who believe I don't feel their pain, and so close their hearts to what God says through me. It is indeed true that people won't care how much I know until they know how much I care, yet I keep running into walls in trying to express my concern without excusing sin. Because I am at a cultural remove from those to whom I minister, some of them decline my ministry because I can't have experienced exactly what they are going through. I have no answer for that except the grace and mercy of God, toward me and toward those to whom I minister. As in every other area, I need to keep the focus on Jesus Christ, both for myself and for others, so that we may all receive the grace and help that He has for us.

A: この真実が私の伝えている福音の中心だとは皮肉ですが、私には人の痛みが分かっていないのだと思い込んでいる人たちがいます。それで彼らは私を通して語られる神様の言葉に心を閉じてしまっています。しかし私がどれほど彼らのことを思っているか、彼らもまた私の思いを知るまでは分からないのも真実です。私の彼らに対する思いを現そうとして壁にぶつかり続けています。彼らと同じような辛い経験が私にはないのだからという理由でミニストリーを断られます。差異を取り除くべきなのですが。そんな時には、ただ私は神様の恵みが私のも彼らにも注がれていることを告げるだけです。他のあらゆる分野で、私自身、他の人ことでも、イエス・キリストに焦点を合わせ続けていきます。キリストが差し出してくださる恵みと助けを私たちが受けるためです。

P: Father, thank You for all You have been allowing me to go through to show me unequivocally that I'm not smart, You are. Help me listen to and depend on You, not trying to figure things out in my own intellect but getting quiet before You, allowing You to guide me even when I can't see where my foot is going to come down with the next step. We have some real problems with unity in the church right now but You have the solution, and I need to find peace in that assurance, even before I know what Your solution is. Thank You again for all the good things You are doing in and among us. Help me continue to grow in my understanding and trust of You, giving all I know of myself to all I know of You on a continuous basis, so that all of Your plans for me and for this church may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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