

ヨハネ 11:5-6 イエスはマルタとその姉妹とラザロとを愛しておられた。そのようなわけで、イエスは、ラザロが病んでいることを聞かれたときも、そのおられた所になお二日とどまられた。

The NIV backs off from using the literal, “therefore,” to start verse 5, because the idea that God's love for us can cause Him to allow more suffering is something many people don't want to accept. However, the Japanese follows the Greek in making it a causative statement. Accepting everything as an indication of God's love is a level of faith and trust most of us haven't quite reached yet! That's not to say that disease and injury and the like are good, but it is to say yet again that God never allows anything that can't be used for our good, if we will only release it to God and trust Him with it. This kind of trust can often be harder for those around the one most directly affected, particularly in the case of a sudden death. I know that for my father, waking up in heaven rather than on earth after heart surgery at age 64 was a huge blessing, but it was very hard on my mother, and it wasn't easy for a lot of people. In this story, Martha and Mary went through a lot over their brother's death, but Jesus knew that the way the Father had planned it, it would not only give unshakable faith to many at that time, it would allow Jesus to say things that would be recorded to strengthen countless people in the centuries since then. When we can grasp that God is big enough to use everything, no matter how horrible it might be at the moment, we enter a level of peace that most of the world knows nothing about.


This is a lesson I've been slow to learn myself, so I must not look down on or be impatient with those who are struggling. For that matter, I've still got plenty of room for growth in this area! As a pastor, the most difficult thing is in trying to teach this principle when people see me as calloused or uncaring about their suffering. Brother Hiroki was right on when he said, from Romans 12:15, that genuine love will weep with those who weep. I must not forget that, but at the same time I must keep pointing people to God in faith and trust, encouraging them to submit to Him so that they can then resist the devil and all he does, and walk in the peace, joy, and victory that God intends.


Father, thank You for speaking this to me yet again. I feel like a broken record sometimes in the pulpit, saying again and again that we must take our eyes off of ourselves and our circumstances and fix them on You, but that is a lesson we are slow to learn. Help me indeed grasp it more fully myself, so that I may in turn teach it in all love, grace, and patience, for the sake of the believers and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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