

ヨハネ 15:4 「わたしにとどまりなさい。わたしも、あなたがたの中にとどまります。枝がぶどうの木についていなければ、枝だけでは実を結ぶことができません。同様にあなたがたも、わたしにとどまっていなければ、実を結ぶことはできません。」

The entire Upper Room Discourse (John 13~17) is so rich that practically any verse is worthy of a sermon by itself. That's all the more reason that we need to abide in Christ, depending on the Holy Spirit, because there's no way we could assimilate and apply it all on our own. Because we can't do it on our own, the devil tries to tempt us to give up and not try, settling for spiritual mediocrity, because that way we're far less threat to him. When we do abide in Christ and allow His Spirit to fill and guide us, it's like there's an army of little Christs running around, tearing down the works of the devil and setting people free. It doesn't take much thought to realize the devil doesn't want that! In relation specifically to this verse, some people equate “fruit” with souls won to Christ, and some equate it to the fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23). The thing is, it is both of those, and more besides. It includes all the “good works God has prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10) Trying to do those good works without abiding in Christ is a recipe for total failure, not to mention burnout. The good news is that if we will abide in Christ and allow His Word and His Spirit to abide in us, then we will bear that fruit as naturally as a grape vine bears grapes, with as little effort. The effort that is called for is simply to focus on Christ in love and obedience; He will take care of everything else!

この二階の広間での教えは(ヨハネ13~17)大変、豊かな教えであり、どの節を用いても一つの説教ができるほどです。私たちが自力で理解し吸収し、実行できる方法は他にないのですから、私たちはキリストとともにいて、聖霊様に従うべきです。私たちの力ではできないので、悪魔は私たちを諦めさせるようにそそのかし、試みを断念させ、霊的凡庸さを押しつけようとします。それが悪魔にとって私たちを脅威と感じずに済むからです。私たちがキリストにとどまり、聖霊様に満たされ導かれるなら、小さなイエスの軍団が動き、悪魔の策略を打ち壊し、人々を解放します。少し考えただけでも悪魔がそうしたことを望んでいないことは分かるでしょう。具体的にこの節では、「実り」とキリストを得た魂とを同義とする人がいます。また御霊の実りと見なす人もいます。(ガラテヤ5: 22~23)その両方、あるいはさらにそれ以上の意味があり、「その良い行いをあらかじめ備えてくださったのです。」(エペソ2:10)も含まれます。こうした良い行いをキリストなしに行おうとすると、完全な失敗に終わるか、言うまでもなく燃え尽きてしまうだけでしょう。しかし、嬉しいことに、私たちがキリストにあり、御言葉と聖霊が私たちの内にとどまっていただくなら、葡萄のつるが自然に葡萄を実らせるように、あまり努力せずとも私たちも実りがあります。その努力とは、愛あるキリストにただ目を向け、従うことです。キリストは全てを取り扱ってくださるでしょう。

This is a wonderful truth that I need to be reminded of frequently. The world knows nothing of effortless fruit-bearing! Like Paul said, we might wind up working harder than anyone, but it is God's power working in and through us, not our own. (1 Corinthians 15:10) I must not be afraid of hard work, but I must not approach it as though I had to do it in my own strength. I need to remember that a lot of the “bumps in the road” I encounter in life are allowed by God to teach me to abide in Him. That itself is enough reason to be thankful for them! I am not to be anxious about anything, but just focus on abiding in Christ and allowing His life to flow through me. If I will do that, the fruit will follow as surely as day follows night.


Father, thank You for all that You are doing. Thank You for the day yesterday, for enabling us to get the exhibit ready and for everyone who came to see it. You had several special “appointments” in the course of the day! Thank You. Thank You for what You have planned for today, as well. Help us abide and rest in You throughout the day, doing each thing in turn and not being anxious about the next thing, so that Your life may indeed flow through us to bear the fruit You desire and intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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