

ローマ 11:33 ああ、神の知恵と知識との富は、何と底知れず深いことでしょう。そのさばきは、何と知り尽くしが たく、その道は、何と測り知りがたいことでしょう。

People are forever trying to figure God out, and they just can't do it. As Paul expresses in Romans 1:20, some things are evident about God simply from the natural world, but one of the things that is evident about Him is that He's a lot smarter than we are! We have two problems in this area: first, we are finite and He isn't, and second, we aren't satisfied with that state of affairs! This is one reason why Jesus said we have to enter the Kingdom of God as little children, or we will never enter at all. (Mark 10:15) Little children are aware of their ignorance, and they don't feel they have to know everything before they can trust. Little children are often very curious and want to learn all they can, but they don't insist on knowledge before obedience. It is as they grow older that that kicks in! Spiritual maturity could actually be described as “growing younger,” because it is marked by a return to not insisting on knowledge before trust and obedience. The better we understand that God's smart and we aren't, the more peace we have and the more fruitfulness, which comes from closer obedience. One of the delights of walking with God is the glimpses He sometimes gives us of what He is doing, but insisting on seeing before we follow is a tragic mistake.


I've certainly had my struggles in this area! I am deeply grateful for God finally getting it through to me that He's smart and I'm not. The current US political situation is an all-too-graphic example of the results of intellectual hubris. I know because I've been there! I still am not immune from thinking I know better – than others, or even than God. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not God, and I can't “fix” every situation. A benevolent dictator is still a dictator, and I must stand firm against my impulses in that direction. If I will keep myself available to God, He will use me to bring His good will into play, but I can't go around deciding strictly on my own what that will is, and trying to bring it to pass by my own efforts. That's a sure recipe for really making a mess of things!


Father, thank You for Your patience and faithfulness toward me. As You told me so clearly years ago, there are many things in the world at this point that You're not happy about either. Help me trust You to turn those things around and use even them for eventual blessing and for Your glory. Help me stay available to You at all times in every area, so that I may be useful to You in producing the fruit You desire from my life, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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