

ヨハネ 21:7 そこで、イエスの愛されたあの弟子がペテロに言った。「主です。」すると、シモン・ペテロは、主であると聞いて、裸だったので、上着をまとって、湖に飛び込んだ。

One thing about Peter, when he learned a lesson, he really learned it! The memory of his denying he ever knew Jesus was all too fresh in his mind, and he was determined never to act like that again. We are told (Luke 24:34, 1 Corinthians 15:5) that Peter got a personal visit from Jesus after the resurrection, but before the incident here. (Don Francisco wrote a magnificent song about that, called “He's Alive,” that still moves me each time I remember it.) If Jesus was there, Peter wanted to be close to Him! That was because Peter understood that he was forgiven, and it changed the way he looked at everything. That awareness is of vital importance, and the devil does all he can to keep us from holding onto it. In Japan, as I have written time and time again, the whole issue of forgiving and being forgiven is a major stumbling block, probably the biggest, to people coming to Christ and living for Him. When we understand the reality of our guilt, and the reality of God's forgiveness through the cross of Christ, then not even the threat of martyrdom could persuade us to deny our faith. Lack of understanding of those two things leaves us weak to stand against the pressure to conform to unbelieving society around us, and powerless in our attempts to communicate the Gospel.


Having lived with this issue all my life, working with it in active ministry for over 30 years, what I have to be careful of is not giving up on people. After all, if God can forgive me, He can do anything! I need to be tireless in expressing the love, grace, and forgiveness of God to those around me, even when they are offended to be told they need to be forgiven! That particular point was something of a gut-punch when I finally learned it, just within this past year. That is one area in which I must not bow to “cultural sensitivity!” A Japanese pastor insisted to me that Japanese don't need to be told they are guilty of sin, because that awareness already drags them down. However, a person must acknowledge their guilt before God to receive His forgiveness. Becoming a Christian isn't simply acquiring a ticket to heaven. In fact, without repentance, going through the motions of church membership is no guarantee of heaven at all! I need to seek and exercise the anointing of the Holy Spirit to get through to people so that they will indeed lay their burdens at the foot of the cross and receive, and give, forgiveness as God intends.


Father, I've struggled with this so much that resignation is a real problem. I am not to resign myself to minimal results, but at the same time I must not think I can produce results on my own. Help me keep that balance, looking to You with expectation and rejoicing in what I see You doing, so that I may be fully available for however You want to use me, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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