

ヨハネ 11:35-36 イエスは涙を流された。そこで、ユダヤ人たちは言った。「ご覧なさい。主はどんなに彼を愛しておられたことか。」

Jesus was obeying Romans 12:15 before it was even written! He was mourning with those who were mourning as a demonstration of His love for them, even though He knew the outcome was not going to be mournful at all. And the record shows that His tears were effective in communicating His love. The Jewish historian Josephus records that Jesus was very emotional, with what today would be called mood swings, going quickly from one strong emotion to another. That shows us that emotions aren't bad, but we aren't to let them control us. Jesus' emotions in the Garden of Gethsemane before He was arrested were so intense that He literally sweat blood. This is a phenomenon that has been recorded otherwise, and happens only under the most intense emotional stress. However, He did not allow that emotion to cause Him to run away from what He knew was coming, and He was able to respond calmly to those who came to arrest Him, even Judas. Emotions are tools, not to mention being a gift. Life would be dreary indeed if we didn't have them! However, we aren't to let them master us, but rather stay committed to Jesus Christ as Lord, whatever emotions are going on inside us.


I tend to be somewhat more emotionally controlled than some people, but that's hardly to say that I'm unemotional. And yes, I've let my emotions whip me around more times than I could count. I am not to despise emotions, in myself or in anyone else, but I am not to allow them to sway me from obedience to God. (The devil loves to try to make that happen, because he likes nothing better than to pervert God's pure gifts and use them for evil.) I also need to work with those around me who are in the middle of emotional storms. I can't do it, but I must remember that I serve the Lord who said, “Peace! Be still!” and the wind and the waves became calm. (Mark 4:39)


Father, thank You for emotions. Help me be a good steward of all of them You give me, and help me be effective in guiding others to do the same. Help me delight in all You give me and do for me, but still keep my focus on You rather than on Your gifts. May everything You give me, including emotions, accomplish what You intend and not be subverted to any other end. Thank You. Praise God!


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