

ヨハネ 15:20 「しもべはその主人にまさるものではない、とわたしがあなたがたに言ったことばを覚えておきなさい。もし人々がわたしを迫害したなら、あなたがたをも迫害します。もし彼らがわたしのことばを守ったなら、あなたがたのことばをも守ります。」

Ouch! This is a verse we would like to forget! The record is clear that whereas sometimes vast crowds followed Jesus, there were many hostile people among them, and Jesus' public ministry was very short indeed. We seek the crowds, but bemoan the hostility! Instead, we need to rejoice at those who do receive the Word we share, but not be surprised at those who refuse it. It is of course most painful when someone who was in the receiving group then turns around and refuses, but Jesus experienced the ultimate of that in Judas. We are to be so committed to Christ that people's response to us, however good, won't distract us, and however bad, won't make us give up. We are created as social beings, because God desires us for fellowship with Himself. That makes us care a great deal about the people around us, whether we want to do so, or want to admit it, or not. That's why the first commandment is to love God totally, and loving our neighbor as ourselves is the second. There is indeed priority there, and if we get that backwards, we quickly discover that we are not loving at all, either God, our neighbor, or ourselves.


The combination of my personality and childhood hurts made me believe I didn't really need other people, because I wanted it to be true. I was just deceiving myself. I do need others, and I care about their opinions, sometimes intensely. I've got to be careful that I don't allow the need for human affirmation to take precedence over obeying God. Jesus' words in this verse are very applicable, to me and to everyone who would follow Him fully. Physical struggles are minor compared to the emotional struggles of rejection, betrayal, and that whole bag. I need to remember that God will never leave me or forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6), and nothing can separate me from His love (Romans 8:38-39).


Father, thank You for the dream this morning, in which I was telling people who were committed to You that sometimes following You was easy and sometimes it was like doing a belly crawl nude over broken glass, but that in the end it was worth it. Thank You for this verse, that alludes to some of those broken glass moments. Help me be unwavering in my commitment and obedience, indeed giving all I know of myself to all I know of You daily, continuously, so that all of Your purposes in, for, and through me may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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