

ヨハネ 11:48 「もしあの人をこのまま放っておくなら、すべての人があの人を信じるようになる。そうなると、ローマ人がやって来て、われわれの土地と国民を奪い取ることになる。」

In a sense, these members of the Sanhedrin were being politically astute, but they were missing the point entirely. That was because their focus was so thoroughly on the temporal that they couldn't begin to grasp the eternal, spiritual implications of what was happening. Their concern was for their way of life rather than the God who gave them life. They have a lot of company today! The irony, and the lesson, is that just a few years after this, exactly what they feared did indeed take place, but not for the reason they mention here. Rome did come in and destroy the temple and the nation, and it wasn't until 1948 that the nation was reinstated. Perhaps three years previous to the incident in this verse, Jesus had stated very clearly what would have been the far wiser course for the Sanhedrin to take: seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Again as Jesus had said, these men sought to preserve their way of life and so they lost it, instead of submitting it to God so as to receive it back a hundredfold.

ある意味で、議会のこのメンバーたちは政治的に抜け目のない人たちでしたが、重要な点を完全に見逃しています。彼らは一時的なことに完全に気を取られ、ここで起こっている霊的な永遠に関する意味合いが全く分かっていなかったからです。彼らの関心事と言えば、命を与えて下さった神にではなく、自分たちの生き方にありました。今日でも、そうした人たちは多くいます。ここで起こった皮肉なことと、学ぶべきことは、彼らが恐れていたことが2~3年後に、まさに実際に起こったことです。もっともそれは、彼らがここで口にしたことが原因ではなかったのですが。ローマ人が来て宮と国を破壊し、ようやくその国家は1948 年、再び建国されました。この節にある出来事の3年程前でしょうが、イエスは議会の人たちに、はるかに賢明であっだたろう方法をはっきりと教えています。つまり、神の御国と義を求めよと教えたのです。彼らは神に仕え、百倍もの報いを得ることをせずに、求めていたのが自分たちの生き方であり、そのため彼らは見失うのだとイエスは再度、説いています。

I have certainly not been free of a temporal perspective, but at least I know how I ought to be looking at things! Nate Saint's magnificent quote comes to mind: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Nate Saint gave his physical life as a missionary to South American Indians just a few years after he said that, but his legacy, directly through the Indians and through his family and indirectly through books and a movie, has brought untold numbers into the kingdom of God in full discipleship. He, and even his wife and children, have been more than compensated for the loss of his physical life! I need to have that same attitude, not despising the temporal to the point of being a poor steward, but never letting it take precedence over the spiritual. I need to be sensitive to what God is doing and keep Him as my #1 priority at all times. As a pastor, I need to seek to open people's eyes to spiritual reality so that they won't be so whipped around by the temporal. Anyone without Christ has only the temporal as a frame of reference, so it's no surprise that they see “salvation” only in physical, temporal terms. I need to seek and be sensitive to the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit, so that He may use me to open people's eyes to see themselves and see God, for their salvation and His glory.

私も束の間の関心事に気を取られたことがありますが、少なくとも物事をどう見るべきかをわきまえていると思います。Nate Saintの素晴らしい言葉を思い出しました。「失うこともなく、得続けることもないものを与えようとする者は正しい」の言葉です。この言葉の数年後、Nate Saintは南米に赴き、南米インディアンにこの世での人生を捧げました。インディアンと彼の家族を通して直接に、そして書物や映画を通して間接的に、彼の遺産は多くの人を確かな弟子として神の御国に導いのたです。彼自身、そして妻と子供たちは、彼のこの世での死があっても、それ以上に報われています。私も同じ心がけを持ち、たとえ今は不十分な牧者であろうとも、この束の間を厭うことなく、霊を第一優先させたいと思っています。神がなさっていることに細心の注意を払い、神をいつも私の第一におきたいのです。牧師として、人々が霊的事実に目を開くように努めていきます。彼らが束の間のことで嘆かずに済むようにしたいのです。キリストを心に持っていない人は単なる束の間のことしか持っていません。儚いのです。ですから、彼らが「救い」を物的に、一時的なこととしてしか見れないのも当然です。聖霊様の導きと油注ぎを心して求めていきます。人々の目が開き、彼ら自身が神を見ることのできるように私を用いてほしいのです。人々の救いと神のご栄光のために。

Father, thank You for the girl who came to talk again yesterday. Thank You for enabling me to be clear on this point, in words anyway. I ask You to work what You said through me into her heart and mind so that she will understand Your love indeed, valuing it more than the immediate physical and emotional gratification she is clinging to. Thank You for the message that You have prepared in me for Sunday, and for how it is impacting how I talk to people even now. I pray that as a church we will indeed seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, accomplishing Your will on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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