

ローマ 1:16 私は福音を恥とは思いません。福音は、ユダヤ人をはじめギリシャ人にも、信じるすべての人とって、救いを得させる神の力です。

This is the point at which many people, church members even, disqualify themselves from being called Christian. If Christianity is not superior to other religions, then it is as meaningless as worshiping the head of a sardine, to reference a Japanese proverb. It matters intensely whether someone thinks Jesus is one god among many, or whether they believe that He is the only Son of the Creator, the only way to the Father and salvation. (John 14:6, Acts 4:12) The former position might be a good, moral person, but only the second position can be called Christian. The devil has put a lot of effort into promoting relativism, especially in areas that formerly had a Christian majority. The one good thing that can be said about Islam is that it is not relativistic! On the surface, the single most noticeable difference between Islam and Christianity should be how they go about propagating their religion. From the start, Islam has explicitly endorsed force as a method of “conversion,” and they are violent in the defense of their beliefs. In sharp contrast, Christianity had has the Sermon on the Mount from the outset, and conversion is not possible without the convicting, convincing power of the Holy Spirit. Christians are not to be violent in their propagation or defense of the Gospel, but they are to be absolutely unyielding in their faith and obedience to it.


I have been accused numbers of times of “cultural imperialism” by people who haven't understood faith as anything but cultural. If I have tasted such a great salvation, how can I not seek to draw others into it? There is strong pressure in a country like Japan that is not culturally Christian to bow to the cultural norms and be quiet about your faith, but I believe that falls under what Paul is calling being ashamed of the Gospel. As a Caucasian in an Oriental country, I am not expected to conform so much, but Japanese believers come under enormous pressure. As a pastor, I am to be a support and encouragement to them, lifting them up in prayer. However, I cannot stand for them; they have to choose to stand themselves. As I said just this past Sunday, I didn't grow up in a non-Christian home, so my empathy and even understanding are severely limited. However, God knows every detail, and I am to be His instrument in supporting them in their struggles.


Father, thank You for this reminder. Keep me from laying unnecessary burdens on anyone. Rather, help me point them to Christ, who invites all who are burdened to lay those burdens at His feet. May we be a church that is uncompromising in our devotion and obedience to You, but also one that nurtures the young, binds up the wounded, heals the sick, and liberates the captives, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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