

ローマ 5:10 もし敵であった私たちが、御子の死によって神と和解されたのなら、和解された私たちが、彼のいのちによって救いにあずかるのは、なおさらなことです。

God has already done the work for our reconciliation and salvation; the question is simply whether we will receive it by faith. We have such difficulty accepting this! We think (with the encouragement of that liar, the devil) that we have to do something to earn salvation, to pay God back for all the things we have done against Him. The problem is, that debt is too great for anyone to repay it by their own effort, so God had to take care of it from His side, canceling it by the blood of Christ on the cross. Any way we look at it, that is a mystery! How could God do that? Why would He do that? We come back to the reality that God is love, and it is His character. He is also holy, and cannot simply excuse sin, so He had to forgive it through the cross. In practical terms, even Christians have trouble believing this on a day-to-day basis. When we stumble, the devil is quick to tell us that we have disqualified ourselves from following Christ, so we might as well give up. We need to remember that since he is a liar, that cannot be true! This verse is pointing out that because of the death of Christ, we are God's enemies only if we insist on it; He has taken down the barrier. That being the case, Christ's life in us is salvation indeed, if we will only receive it.


This is closely connected to tomorrow's message. The truth here is so deep that it has to be imparted by the Holy Spirit, so I must not rely on my powers of persuasion. They won't work! I need to let the Holy Spirit illuminate this to my spirit, and use my words and my delivery to illuminate it to the hearts and minds of my hearers. I need to trust Him myself, if I want my hearers to trust Him! Likewise, I need to rejoice in this magnificent salvation that God has provided, if I want my hearers to do the same. I need to remember that, as Mark Conner and others have said, the messenger is the message!


Father, I know this, and sometimes I operate in it and sometimes I don't. Thank You for Your patience with me. Thank You for the time yesterday when You used my words to open the eyes of someone to the reality that repentance isn't just regretting the consequences of our sin, it is regretting the sin itself and turning away from it. Thank You for being faithful to use me in spite of my abundant shortcomings. Thank You for all You enabled me to get done yesterday. Help me remember what needs to be done today and do each thing in turn, not allowing myself to be distracted, so that Your will may be done in and through me, on Your schedule and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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