

ローマ 13:14 主イエス・キリストを着なさい。肉の欲のために心を用いてはいけません。

Sometimes the NIV practice of translating “flesh” as “sinful nature” is helpful, but sometimes it clouds the issue, as here. The Japanese is very straightforward: “Don't use your soul to satisfy your flesh.” These days society is very focused on the “desires of the flesh,” as this verse puts it. That leaves us with hearts that are too busy to consider God, and that's exactly what the devil is after. Our bodies are given to us as gifts from God and are not evil in themselves, but are to be taken care of properly. However, when our focus is on the physical, we lose out on the far greater half of existence. Since the devil is out to steal, kill, and destroy, that's exactly what he wants to happen. The first half of this verse is the answer: putting on Christ. We have trouble visualizing that sometimes, but a good analogy would be a “super hero suit.” Paul uses that imagery several times in his letters, notably in talking about the armor of God in Ephesians 6. If we have put on Christ, we are wearing the armor of God! Putting on Christ doesn't mean losing, much less destroying, who we are. Rather, it is a fulfillment of God's purpose in creating us, because He intends that we be His children, and Christ is the Son of God. “Putting on Christ” means acting in every way as a child of God, in the name of the Son.


This is one of the great mysteries of the Gospel, and I am charged with communicating it. To do that effectively, I've got to practice it myself. It's not something that sinks into our awareness very readily, and takes a lot of repetition and practice, but that's what life on earth is for! I must not give up on anyone, including myself, but trust God to complete in us the work that He has started. (Philippians 1:6) I need to teach on this issue more often, basing it on the foundation of who Christ is and also provide hooks so that my hearers can grasp the practical reality of it. It does no good to teach theology if I fail to help the believers apply it in their lives.


Father, this is certainly a present, practical issue. Help me be true to You in ever detail, in what to teach, when, and how, so that the believers may be built up and equipped to do the work of ministry as You desire and intend. May they desire and strive for true maturity in Christ, not condemning themselves for where they are now but not being satisfied with it either. May we all grow so that Christ is manifested fully in this church, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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