

ヨハネ 21:22 イエスはペテロに言われた。「わたしの来るまで彼が生きながらえるのをわたしが望むとしても、それかあなたに何のかかわりがありますか。あなたは、わたしに従いなさい。」

This little detail of the story is extremely important for every believer. We are very quick to compare ourselves with others, both favorably and unfavorably, and Jesus is saying that's none of our business. Each person is individually responsible before God, and we are to seek His instructions and His evaluation, rather than that of people. That said, we do need to remember that God uses people to speak into our lives for direction and correction. I've seen more than enough of people who say, “I'm following God,” and use it as an excuse to be totally self-centered. The specific emphasis here is that we aren't to be jealous of one another. John was the only one of the first 12 apostles to die a natural death, but that doesn't mean he had it any easier than any of the others. With blessing comes responsibility, and often we aren't ready to shoulder what comes with the blessing that is making us envious. This is what Paul was talking about when he said we must each carry our own load (Galatians 6:5).

この話しは少し詳しく書かれていますが、全ての信者にとってとても 大切です。良きにつけ悪しきにつけ、私たちはすぐに人と比べたがりますが、そうしたことは全く無関係なことだとイエスは教えています。各自が神の御前、個々の責任を負っています。そして、人からではなく、神からの指示と評価を求めるべきです。つまり、神は導き、正すために、そして私たちの命に語るために人を用いられることを覚えておきましょう。「私は神に従います。」と口にしながら、完全に自己中心さの言い訳にした人達を私はあまりにも多く見てきました。ここで特に強調してあることは、私たちは互いに妬み合わずとも良い、ということです。ヨハネは12弟子の中で、ただ一人、自然死を遂げた人ですが、それでも他の弟子達よりも安楽だったわけではありません。祝福には責任が伴いますが、祝福に伴って来る、人を妬みに駆り立てるものを背負うだけの心構えが私たちにはできていません。パウロが私たちは互いの荷を負い合うべきだと教えている通りです。(ガラテヤ6:5)

I think I am more often the object of envy rather than envious of others, but that certainly doesn't mean I'm immune. Years in ministry have taught me that no church is without problems, and we don't get to choose which problems we will face. What I do know is that God's grace is and will be sufficient, whether it is for the really long haul like the Apostle John, or for martyrdom like his brother James. I am not to compare myself with others, and I need to work to help the believers do likewise. I need to practice and teach that each one is responsible as a steward before God, not only of material goods but of abilities, time, and opportunities as well. We are not and will never be evaluated by God on the basis of what He has given someone else, but only on the basis of what we have done with what He has given us.


Father, this is something I've had to deal with off and on over the years. You know well that I haven't been the most faithful steward in some areas. Help me maintain focus on You, allowing You to show me what You want done with what You have placed in my hands. Help me likewise encourage the believers to stop damaging comparisons. Jealousy has done major damage, in this church and many others. Help me show the believers how You have blessed and equipped them, so that they may get about the business of using all of that for You and Your kingdom, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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