

ヨハネ 17:26 「そして、わたしは彼らにあなたの御名を知らせました。また、これからも知らせます。それは、あなたがわたしを愛してくださったその愛が彼らの中にあり、またわたしが彼らの中にいるためです。」

Many, many passages of Scripture are worthy of deep reflection and meditation, but none more so than the High Priestly prayer of Jesus, just before His arrest and crucifixion. This last line has an expression that in literal translation is confusing to modern readers, that the NIV is quite justified in modifying. The NIV says “made You known,” where the Japanese, as a more literal translation, says, “made Your name known.” At the time, a person's name was taken to represent all that they were, which is why it's such a big deal that we are given the right to pray in Jesus' name, and why it's so much more than tacking a few words onto the end of our prayers. That said, it is of vital importance that the more we know of God, the more His love will fill us and the more Christ will be formed in us. I come back yet again to my father's catch phrase of “Give all you know of yourself to all you know of Christ.” We are to keep growing in our knowledge of God, because the more that knowledge permeates us, governing our thoughts, words and actions, the more we will grasp His love for us and reflect Him to those around us. God allows circumstances to show us those areas in us that are not conformed to Christ, but that should not be reason for despair. Rather, we should give those unlovely parts of ourselves to Him, so that He may cleanse and heal them and restore them to the purpose for which He allowed them in our lives. Undesirable traits are never more than distortions of traits that are useful indeed, though they may look very different. We are created in the image of God, and the more we know of Him, in intimate fellowship rather than just intellectual knowledge, the more we will look like Him.

聖書に書かれている多くのメッセージはじっくり読み、考えてみるだけの価値がありますが、捕えられ、十字架にかかる直前のイエスの教えほど大切なものはないでしょう。最後の文を現代文に字義どおりに訳すると現代人は読んでいて混乱することでしょう。NIV版ではかなり修整が加えられています。NIVの [made You known」が日本語ではより字義通りに「あなたの御名を知らせました。」となっています。また人の名前は全てを表現するものですから、イエスの御名において祈る特権、祈りの結びに添える言葉がとても大切なのです。私たちが神を知るほどに、神の愛が私たちを満たし、ますますキリストが私たちの内に生きるのです。私の父のキャッチフレーズだった「分かっただけの自分を分かっただけのキリストに捧げなさい」の言葉をまた思い出しました。私たちは神の知識において成長し続けるのです。それは知識が深まり浸透するほどに、私たちの考え、言葉、行いに影響し、ますます神の愛を分かり、私たちが神の愛を周りに反映させられるからです。私たちがキリストに順応していない部分を示すために神様は様々な状況を用いて教えられます。だからと言って何も嘆く必要はありません。むしろ、そうした愛の欠如した部分を神様に明け渡しましょう。そうすることで神様は私たちを清め、癒し、修復してくださり、神の目的にかなうようにしてくださいます。好ましくない特性は歪んだ特性そのものであり、たとえそうは見えなくとも用いることができます。私たちは神に似せて創られたのですから、単に知性でとらえるのではなく、深い交わりの中で神を知るほどに、ますます神に似た者とされるのです。

This is certainly an ongoing lesson! When I am tired, when I am distracted, in various situations, I look and act very different from Jesus Christ. I am not to condemn myself for that, but neither am I to accept it in the sense of excusing it. I need to let Him enable me to repent indeed, showing me how not only to regret what is wrong but genuinely turn around and be right instead. The evidence is that this can be slow going, taking a lot of repetitions for the lessons really to get through. I must not give up, but trust God to make the necessary changes in me as I learn more and more not only how absolutely trustworthy He is, but also how to release myself to Him.


Father, this isn't just a problem for me. Help me be effective in Your hands in helping others along the same road. Thank You that I don't have to be perfect to be useful! Keep me from coming across as holier-than-thou, as having everything under control, because that would be hypocrisy. Help me rather communicate the love and grace You have poured out on me, so that I and those to whom I minister would together be transformed into the likeness of Your Son, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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