

申命記 7:11 私が、きょう、あなたに命じる命令ーおきてと定めーを守り行わなければ成らない。

Throughout Deuteronomy Moses is doing his utmost to help the people understand that there are consequences to either obeying or disobeying God. Typically of human beings down through the ages, they had a hard time getting that through their heads and hearts. God is love, but He is also holy; excusing sin is not an option for Him. The culmination of all this is, of course, the cross of Christ, by which He took on Himself the just penalty for all our sin. But as Paul points out so emphatically in Romans, the grace of God is no excuse for us to ignore His righteous and holy rules and commands. God is never interested in restraining us for the sake of restraining us; He simply knows what is in our best interest, and that is what He tells us to do. Besides the many places in Deuteronomy that Moses tries to get this point across, I've long liked Micah 6:8, particularly because it has been set to music to make it easy to remember. God's commands aren't burdensome, they are for our good. (1 John 5:3)


I am certainly human myself, and sin is a persistent problem for any human being. I am not to make excuses but walk in humble obedience, and repentance as called for. Paul said that all Christians are to admonish one another (Colossians 3:16), and as a pastor that is my particular task, but I certainly don't find it easy. Looking at it objectively, it comes down to caring more about my own comfort level than about the good of the other person, and that's something to be repented of. I am not to be haughty or holier-than-thou, but I am to teach and admonish with all diligence, loving people enough to risk whatever it takes to pull them back from the traps of the devil.


Father, I do repent of my cold love that worries more about what people think of me than about their eternal destiny. Help me speak Your truth to them in Your love, admonishing, encouraging, correcting and instructing, so that together we may walk in the abundant blessings You have prepared for us, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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