

申命記 30:10 これは、あなたが、あなたの神、主の御声に聞き従い、このみおしえの書にしるされている主の命令とおきてとを守り、心を尽くし、精神を尽くして、あなたの神、主に立ち返るからである。

There is a small but significant difference between the English and the Japanese in this verse. The NIV says if you return to the Lord, and the Japanese says because you return to the Lord. Perhaps the Japanese is a more comforting prophecy! In either case, it is clear that our actions have consequences, either for good or bad. The NT focus on grace has made a lot of Christians forget the equally NT concept of sowing and reaping. (Galatians 6:7) What Moses is saying here is that even if we mess up royally, if we will repent and return to God He will graciously receive us. That's good news any way you look at it! It takes God's help to keep us on track, as Moses was saying in verse 6, but it also requires our cooperation. We can't act like spoiled brats and expect God to excuse our disobedience, but we can recognize our sin and confess it to Him, and He will cleanse and restore us. (1 John 1:9).


Just as I have to remember and apply this in my own life, I am also charged with communicating it to others. The difficulty I find is that the vast majority of people don't want to acknowledge their sin, or that they are in the wrong before God. Sadly, that applies to many Christians as well as to non-Christians. Then, those who have done something that they cannot pretend was not sin, have great difficulty believing and accepting God's forgiveness. When there is so little understanding of forgiveness, it's no wonder there is great reluctance to acknowledge wrongs. (This extends to the business world as well, with companies covering up their mistakes instead of correcting them.) God is the God of grace, but His laws don't bend! I need the help of the Holy Spirit to communicate both sides of that.


Father, thank You for the sharp focus You are giving me on the problem of evangelism in Japan. Thank You for the tract You recently enabled me to write, and that we are getting it out to people. I pray that it would be effective in opening many eyes. Thank you for the idea You gave me for another tract on guilt and forgiveness. Guide me in writing that as well. I ask for Your anointing, inspiration and guidance in communicating the good news of Christ Jesus to the Japanese people, so that there may be a massive harvest for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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