

第2サムエル 7:14-15 わたしは彼にとって父のなり、彼はわたしにとって子となる。もし彼が罪を犯すときは、わたしは人の杖、人の子のむちをもって彼を懲らしめる。しかし、わたしは、あなたの前からサウロを取り除いて、わたしの恵みをサウロから取り去ったが、わたしの恵みをそのように、彼から取り去ることはない。

It is of great interest to me that the Japanese uses “grace” in this passage where the English uses “love.” I feel that shows differing understandings of both of those terms in the two cultures. God's love is certainly gracious, because we don't deserve it, and His grace is certainly loving, because He chooses to do what is best for us in spite of our actions. This passage is of course talking about David's son Solomon, but the principle of using human instruments to discipline us, His children, is certainly operative today. God uses us to guide and prod each other back onto His way when we stray from it. Unfortunately, we often don't recognize His hand in that and get mad at whatever human instrument He is using. That can create totally unnecessary enmity, and can also delay repentance. When things don't go the way we would like whatever the direct cause, we need to examine our hearts and see if God is desiring to correct us, and be quick to repent if we find that He is. Certainly not all opposition or setbacks are a result of our disobedience, but we need at least to entertain the possibility that they are, and allow the Holy Spirit to show us if that is the case.


I think I have a very spotty track record in this area. My repentance has not always been instant, or even sincere at times. I have put myself through far harder times than God desired for me. That being the case, I need to be understanding and patient toward those in the flock who are going through the same thing, without excusing the sin that God is trying to correct. That can be a hard line to walk! I need to speak the truth in love at all times, and also confirm whether a person has ears to hear me before I speak into their situation. God has given me authority to speak into people's lives, but if they don't recognize and acknowledge that authority, trying to exercise it can be counterproductive.


Father, I don't enjoy discipline, either receiving or giving it. Help me be so submitted to You that I recognize Your correction and respond immediately. Help me also love others enough to be willing to be Your instrument of correction for them, even at the risk of their turning against me. Help me remember Your Word to Ezekiel and be faithful to speak all that You desire to say through me, and not draw back out of a fear of man. May everyone in this church walk in close obedience to You, loving, encouraging, and admonishing one another just as You tell us to, so that all of Your plans for us may be fulfilled for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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