

詩篇 11:3-4 「拠り所がこわされたら正しい者に何ができようか。」主は、その聖座が宮にあり、主は、その王座が天にある。

It is important to realize that verse 3 is being spoken by someone who is trying to make David fear, and verse 4 is his response. The English renders verse 3 as “foundations” while the Japanese renders it as “hiding places,” but the point is, the speaker is being a verbal terrorist, trying to make David think he has nowhere to turn. David's response is superb: God is still God! This whole psalm is a statement and commitment of faith, and is a beautiful example for all who seek to follow God.


This is especially appropriate right now, when political events in the US make it seem that the foundations of society are being destroyed and righteous people can't seem to stop it. Political activism on the part of the truth isn't a bad thing, certainly, but we have to remember that God is still God. I am personally disgusted by what is going on and am very concerned for the sake of my children and grandchildren, but I've got to remember that nothing can happen that will in any way diminish the deity and sovereignty of God. He is allowing the US to enter a time of judgment, I feel, because of all the blatant choosing of evil over righteousness, but as the Biblical record showed, even in such times the Lord is the refuge of the righteous, and He will never be shaken. I am not to let my soul get all stirred up and anxious, but I am to be faithful in intercession on behalf of the righteous. Likewise, I am to pray for God's mercy, not just for the US but for each nation, so that His kingdom may come and His will be done, for His glory.


Father, thank You for being God. I do ask that Your justice prevail in the US, and in Japan too, for that matter. I don't see the end of all this mess, but You do, and I know that Your plans are glorious. I pray that the Church in America, the Body of Christ in that location, would wake up and start acting like the Church indeed, so that society will have its foundations renewed and the scum cast off. I pray for my children and grandchildren, that You would protect them from the tide of filth that has swept the land. Draw them to Yourself in all holiness and righteousness, so that they may walk in the sure protection of Your shadow, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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