

申命記 10:16 あなたがたは、心の包皮を切り捨てなさい。もううなじのこわい者であってはならない。

In either Japanese or English, this imagery is a bit jarring because of the cultural context, or perhaps lack of it, but Paul picks up on this same imagery in Romans. It is especially meaningful for Jewish people because circumcision was and is one of the things that has set them apart from other nations over the centuries. A person can function without being circumcised, and obviously many do. But after circumcision a man is more sensitive and vulnerable, and current evidence is that his partner has less risk of various diseases. I think the things Moses and Paul were talking about were first of all the permanent marking, as someone belonging to God, and second, sensitivity and openness toward God. Sometimes our insensitivity toward God can be amazing! He speaks to us in love, guiding and correcting and encouraging, yet we stubbornly refuse to listen. As comes out repeatedly in Deuteronomy, everything God tells us is for our good. Moses, and Paul, are telling us to get rid of anything that might get in the way of responding in love to God's love for us.


This wouldn't be an easy thing to preach on! However, the concept is an important one, and I need to communicate it effectively. I don't need to go explaining the details of circumcision to those who aren't familiar with it, but I do need to communicate the importance of getting rid of whatever hinders our hearing God and obeying Him. I need sensitivity toward God myself, in order to be effective in communicating His love and truth to others, so that they in turn may likewise hear and obey Him, for their blessing and His glory.


Father, at times my heart is calloused toward You. Forgive me. Help me be fully sensitive and receptive toward You, hearing Your still, small voice and responding with love, gratitude and obedience. Help me communicate the importance and blessedness of that, so that the people under my care may likewise avoid the traps of the devil and walk in the fullness of all You intend for us. May we be soft and pliable in Your hands so that You may mold us as You desire and intend, for our blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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