

申命記 11:26-28 見よ。私は、きょう、、あなたがたの前に、祝福とのろいを置く。もし、私が、あなたがたに命じる、あなたがたの神、主の命令に聞き従うなら、祝福を、もし、あなたがたの神、主の命令に聞き従わず、私がきょう、あなたがたに命じる道から離れ、あなたがたの知らなかったほかの神々に従って行くなら、のろいを与える。

Moses could really not have been more clear. The amazing thing about it all is the selective memory of the Israelites after this. They had the clear, written record that Moses left for them (I think the book of Deuteronomy is a manuscript that he wrote and then read to the assembled elders of the people), but they chose to remember only the blessings, and complain when they didn't get them, instead of the curses, which they busily brought on themselves. You could use the illiteracy of the majority at this point as an excuse, if it weren't for the fact that people down through the centuries have behaved in exactly the same way, and still do today. We love to recount the promises of God, but we like to avoid the negative ones that speak of the consequences of failing to obey God. We want to treat God like a vending machine instead of as our holy, living Lord. As Peter points out in 2 Peter 3:8-9, it is only because of God's incredible patience and love that He hasn't squashed us yet! This is why it is so utterly important to fear God rightly, to understand that we are utterly dependent on His grace and mercy, which are indeed abundant but must not be taken lightly.


I have to deal with this in my own life, but I also need to communicate it to those around me, and particularly to the believers. On the basis of culture alone, Japanese should be able to understand this more easily than Americans, because of Shinto being essentially a system of placating the gods or spirits. However, Shinto is a matter of “if you fail to do this you'll get whacked,” and there is no overarching moral imperative. Such thinking is rightly understood as superstitious, and thinking people do their best to reject it. However, without the moral imperative, people fail to understand the righteous requirements of Creator God, or even that there is such a God, much less that He has righteous requirements. That shows how big my task is, but with God nothing is impossible. I cannot do it in my own strength and wisdom, so I must constantly submit myself to the Holy Spirit so that He can convict people of sin, righteousness and judgment as Jesus said He would (John 16:8-11).


Father, thank You for Your Word that is so clear. Those who refuse to read it, insisting that it is too difficult, do so only because they have no intention of obeying it. Help me not be discouraged by such people, but rather walk in submission and obedience to You myself. Help me speak Your message clearly, in love. May Your truth be inescapable for all who hear, so that they may know Your truth and be set free from the traps of the devil. May we all rejoice in Your gracious promises but not ignore Your righteous requirements, so that we will walk in all the abundance You intend for us, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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