

ヨシュア記 22:5 ただ主のしもべモーセが、あなたがたに命じた命令と律法をよく守り行い、あなたがたの神、主を愛し、そのすべての道を歩み、その命令を守って、主にすがり、心を尽くし、精神を尽くして、主に仕えなさい。

In reading the Bible we sometimes forget the time intervals involved. Moses had been dead a long time at the point Joshua said this, and much had happened that might have crowded out the memory of what they had been taught. Human beings have a remarkable ability to forget things. Compared to God, we are much like a goldfish, whose attention span is measured in seconds. That is why God had people write what is recorded in the Bible, rather than just relying on verbal transmission. That's also why it's important that each believer learn to read and take in Scripture for themselves, and do so regularly. At the time of the Japanese persecution the Catholics were conducting mass in Latin and were relying on Latin Bibles. When the foreign missionaries and even the Japanese clergy were driven out, imprisoned, or killed, the believers who hid had very little to go on, and the quality of their knowledge and faith deteriorated badly with each generation. Once again we are faced with the need for each “faith generation” to have effective teaching and personal involvement and ownership in their faith. Now, printed Bibles are commonplace so that is not a problem. However, the Bible must be read and absorbed and put into practice if it is going to be effective in people's lives from generation to generation.


I am certainly a case in point here, having a rich multi-generational faith heritage, but needing to apply the Scriptures personally to and in my own life. I cannot forget the long period in which I wandered spiritually, with plenty of head knowledge of the Bible but without heart application. Right now I am charged with communicating the deposit the Lord has placed in me, and I see the importance of it all the more. I cannot just dump facts on people; I've got to help them understand how those fact apply to their lives, so they can absorb them and put them into practice. It was not an accidental choice of words that Jesus told us to make disciples! Faith cannot be said to be fully transmitted until the one receiving it has become a disciple indeed.


Father, as You know better than I do, this is beyond my ability, but You can do it through me. My heart grieves all too often at how slow people are to commit to You in genuine discipleship, but then I remember how I have grieved You over the years. Help me exercise the grace, mercy, patience, comfort, and encouragement I have received, so that as many as possible may be brought into the richness of the discipleship You desire and intend for us, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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