

第2歴代誌 19:2-3 「悪者を助けるべきでしょうか。あなたは主を憎む者たちを愛してよいのでしょうか。これによって、あなたの上に、主の前から怒りが下ります。しかし、あなたには、良いことが幾つか見られます。あなたはこの地からアシェラ像を除き去り、心を定めて常に神を求めて来られました。」

I will probably always associate this passage with a very anointed message I heard from John Finochio that impressed me so much I made a cassette that I played over and over in my car. The subject of that message was “Seven Reasons to Keep Seeking God,” and the point connected with this particular passage was that seeking God causes God to overlook sometimes serious errors you might make. What strikes me about this chapter as a whole is the various things it says about how Jehoshaphat was setting his heart to seek God. He wasn't content to just seek Him personally in some sort of monastic setting, he used all the resources God had given him – authority, time, finances – to draw others back to God as well. Anyone who is genuinely seeking God is going to seek to take others with them on the journey, because the more we know of God, the better we understand that He desires that all people be saved and in a right relationship with Him. Self-centered piety is better than no piety at all, but it is hardly a fully expression of the Gospel.

私はこの節でいつも、大変油注がれたJohn Finochio のメッセージを思い出します。彼のメッセージに私はとても感銘を受け、カセットに入れ、運転中に繰り返し聞いたほどです。メッセージの題は「神を求め続ける7つの理由」で、この節との関連は、神を求めていることで、犯すかもしれない重大な過ちが神が大目に見てくれる時がある、という内容です。私はこの章全体に心ひかれますが、ヨシャパテが思いを神に向けた点に特に惹かれます。彼は、修道士のようなやり方で神を求めることに満足してはいませんでした。神が彼に与えたあらゆる資質、つまり、権威、時間、お金を用い、人を神に立ち返らせたのです。神を心から求めるなら誰でも、他の人にも同様のことを求めます。それは、神を知るほどに、全ての人に救いと神との正しい関係に入ることを神が望んでおられることを、より理解してくるからです。自己中心的な敬虔さは全くの不敬虔よりは、ましでしょうが、それでは十分に福音を現してはいないでしょう。

This is something I have been slow to learn, and in some ways it flies in the face of Japanese culture. Beliefs are considered very private and Japanese seldom talk about them, in decided contrast to various other cultures. This makes personal evangelism more difficult and it makes pastoral ministry more difficult, because when you don't know what people believe, you don't know what they need to be taught. That makes it all the more imperative that I listen carefully to the Holy Spirit in planning messages and teaching programs. Through various things the Lord has been pointing out to me that what is called for is instilling a Biblical world view. As recent polls have made very clear, a Biblical world view is in very short supply even in America, that has the Bible as part of its cultural heritage! That makes it all the more evident that I've got to rely on the Holy Spirit in my ministry, because there's no other way I can help people get their priorities, values, and goals in line with the Word of God. As I seek to do that, I've got to be honest in evaluating my own priorities, values and goals, because I'm sure there's room for improvement!


Father, thank You for Your patience with me. I need it at least as much as Jehoshaphat did! Help me let go of everything that stands in the way of my seeking and drawing close to You, so that I may be transformed more and more into the likeness of Your Son, for Your pleasure and glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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