

詩篇 5:3 主よ。朝明けに、私の声を聞いてください。朝明けに、私はあなたのために備えをし、見張りをいたします。

There are various differences in the English and Japanese translations of this verse. In the English the first half is a statement (You hear), while in the Japanese it is a request (please hear). In the second half the English says “lay my requests before you and wait in expectation,” while the Japanese says “I provide (make an offering) for you and stand watch.” I don't know how culturally biased it might be, but I certainly prefer the English in this case!


That said, what caught my eye about this verse is the thought of approaching God in the morning. That's the same in both languages! It is my personal experience that my days go very differently when I start them out with a focus on God than when I fail to do so. I have had a solid habit of morning devotions for long enough now that when circumstances make it impossible, everything feels strange! God calls us to put Him first in our thoughts and priorities, and the simple matter of putting Him first on our schedules can be a big help in that area. I seldom encounter anyone who has a regular practice of first-thing-in-the-morning devotions who is very far off track spiritually. God honors such an attitude, and responds with gracious fellowship and guidance.


I certainly desire for everyone in the church to be faithful in morning devotions, but this isn't something I can force on anyone. I can encourage, but trying to make it mandatory would remove the benefit, because resentment would close their hearts toward God even if they went through the motions. When people hear what time I get up to have devotions they say, “I could never do that,” but if they were to get a job that required them to be at work at 7:00 a.m., they would manage without too much adjustment. It's all a matter of priorities. I need to make regular morning devotions seem as appealing as possible, but my focus needs to be on putting God first, rather than on any external schedule or ritual. People think of me as a “professional Christian” and of themselves as other than that, so they have trouble thinking of me as an example for them to follow. I don't know what to do about that! As in everything else, I need to seek God and depend on Him in this area.


Father, thank You for Your patience with me in bringing me to create such a strong habit of devotions. Help me exercise that same patience toward the members of my flock. It is a mystery to me how I can share the joy of fellowship with You morning by morning and they not be aggressive in seeking the same. Many of them do try to follow through, and I thank You for that. Actually, I have very little idea who actually has what habits when it comes to devotions, but You know everything about each of us. Help me yield each individual to You, trusting You with them even as I make myself available to instruct, encourage, and admonish them, so that they may enter into all that You intend and have prepared for them, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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