

詩篇 31:19 あなたのいつくしみは、なんと大きいことでしょう。あなたはそれを、あなたを恐れる者のためにたくわえ、あなたに身を避ける者のために、人の子の前で、それを備えられました。

Christians often provoke the jealousy of non-Christians, whether they realize it or not. Christians should have all the things everyone really wants: peace, joy, meaning in life, the assurance they are loved and cared for. Those who become jealous at that either don't understand that the same blessings are equally available to them, or they are unwilling to let go of the junk – sin and pride – they are clinging to and take hold of the blessings. Life for the Christian is certainly not without difficulty, as Jesus Himself assured us (John 16:33), but it is good with a real, fundamental goodness, and those who are clinging to the false trinkets the devil offers can't stand that.


People consistently think I have more income than I actually do, because God blesses me. If I were to focus on the negatives of my life (and the devil tries to get me to do so), then I would spend all my time depressed. However, God's blessings are very real and abundant, and as Paul, James, and Peter all said, our difficulties in this life become totally insignificant when compared to what God has prepared for us in heaven. The Lord has spoken to me several times in recent weeks to focus on Him rather than on the negatives so that I can rejoice in the abundance of blessings He is indeed pouring out on me. If my hope and expectation are truly in God, then I will never be disappointed.


Father, thank You for Your grace toward me. Thank You for all You allow me to experience, whether it's enjoyable at the moment or not. Help me not run from dealing with issues that confront me, but help me also not think or feel that I have to deal with them on my own. Help me rest and rejoice in You whatever is going on around me. May my life draw people to seek You for themselves, rather than be jealous because of all You do for me. May my thoughts, words and actions be pleasing to You, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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