

第2歴代誌6:41 「神、主よ。あなたの祭司たちの身に救いをまとわせてください。あなたの聖徒たちにいつくしみを喜ばせてください。」

I have always found this turn of phrase interesting. Clothing is often what we notice first about a person, so it is significant that the priests are to be clothed with salvation. A priest by definition is an intermediary between God and men, and in the Protestant context that includes all ministers of the Gospel. The over-all impression that every minister should project is that in God there is salvation. Some ministers project condemnation and some project compromise, and some essentially project nothing at all. None of those are appropriate for a true representative of Jesus Christ, but they are none the less evident if we look around us. If those charged with communicating God to the people indeed communicate His salvation, then the people will have every reason to rejoice in His goodness. A right relationship with Creator God is the most blessed, joyful thing in the universe, and ministers should first, last, and always communicate that.


I can't say that I bat 1,000 in this area, but this is certainly my goal. At the same time, I need to be careful that I don't veer off into humanistic proclamation that excuses sin instead of calling for repentance. If my goal is simply to make people happy, I won't be leading them into God's salvation and their end certainly won't be happy. If I present the good news of the kingdom of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ, then all who receive it will be happy indeed.


Father, my only hope of being an effective minister of the Gospel is Your grace. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient. Help me be clothed with salvation indeed, bringing hope to the hopeless and repentance to the proud, calling all to salvation in Christ Jesus. But Lord, it seems that so few receive the message, and sometimes those who do distort it horribly. I can't change anyone's heart; that's the work of Your Holy Spirit. I ask You to pour Your Spirit out on this church, this city, and this nation, that people's eyes may be opened to see You, see themselves, and repent and believe so that they may receive Your full salvation, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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