

第1サムエル 20:17 ヨナタンは、もう一度ダビデに誓った。ヨナタンは自分を愛するほどに、ダビデを愛していたからである。

Homosexual activists insist that was the sort of relationship David and Jonathan had, but that simply brings to mind what Paul said: “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure.” (Titus 1:15) David and Jonathan are an illustration of what it means to love someone as you love yourself. Jonathan was well aware that David would supersede him on the throne of Israel, and yet he still did his utmost to protect and support him. David likewise was loyal to Jonathan, protecting and providing for his surviving son when the normal custom of the day was to kill all potential rivals to the throne. David and Jonathan have a lot to teach us, in all purity.


Loving someone as I love myself is a tall order. I feel I at least come close with Cathy, but even there, God is the judge. I know I need to be intentional in allowing God's love to flow through me to others, just as it has flowed to me. To be honest, I can do that only with God's help. My natural inclination is probably as selfish as that of anyone else, so I must be careful to choose to love in every situation. That's certainly easier to say than to do!


Father, thank You for the beauty and power of Your presence in the service yesterday. Thank You for Your faithfulness to move and to speak when we gather. Thank You for Your faithfulness likewise to keep working on and in each of us, teaching us how better to love You, love each other, and indeed, love ourselves. We are filled with questions about the future that often cause us anxiety, but You know the end from the beginning, and it's all in Your hands. Help us release each question, each item, into Your hands and rest in Your peace, trusting You and allowing Your Spirit to flow through us in love, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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