

箴言 17:17 友はどんなときにも愛するのだ。兄弟は苦しみを分け合うために生まれる。

If it is anything, this should be a description of the Church. As Jesus said, in this world we will have trouble (John 16:33). That in itself is sufficient reason for Christians to be friends indeed to one another, and by definition we are siblings, since we are all children of one heavenly Father. However, many people don't understand this, often because they've never experienced healthy friendships and family relationships. Love itself is generally misunderstood, becoming tainted with the self-centered and the erotic. Only in Christ can we have an accurate grasp of all this means, but in Him it is indeed possible. The Romans said of the early Christians, “They really know how to love each other.” In context, that obviously had absolutely nothing to do with eroticism! If the Church will reclaim that sort of love on a wider scale, the world will be a different place and non-Christians will shake their heads in amazement!


I've experienced this to a degree with my natural friends and physical siblings and I've also tasted it within the Body of Christ, but I am hungry for more! Rather than seeking this sort of love and faithfulness to be given to me, I need to be proactive in expressing it to others. It is indeed a joy to be able to do so! I grieve with those who are hurting, physically and emotionally. It gives me satisfaction and joy to be able to meet their needs even in small ways. I do not rejoice at their difficulty, but I rejoice to be a channel of God's gracious supply in their difficulty. I am not to focus on my ability or lack of it, but rather on God's supply and their need. If I will do that, I know that my needs will in turn be more than met.


Father, thank You for recent experiences in this area. Help me indeed be an open channel for Your use in blessing people, both those close to me and those at a greater distance. Help me communicate this principle to the believers, so that they may learn to take their eyes off of themselves and experience the joy of being Your instrument in blessing others, for their blessing and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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