

イザヤ 61:1-3 神である主の霊が、わたしの上にある。主はわたしに油をそそぎ、貧しい者に良い知らせを伝え、心の傷ついた者をいやすために、わたしを遣わされた。捕らわれた人には解放を、囚人には釈放を告げ、主の恵みの年と、われわれの神の復讐の日を告げ、すべての悲しむ者を慰め、シオンの悲しむ者たちに、灰の代わりに頭の飾りを、悲しみの代わりに喜びの油を、憂いの心の代わりに賛美の外套を着けさせるためである。彼らは、義の樫の木、栄光を現す主の植木と呼ばれよう。

This is definitely a Messianic prophecy, as Jesus asserted (Luke 4:14~) , but it is also the part of His commission that is passed on to us. (John 20:21) We cannot be the atonement for anyone's sins, and anyone who tries that is seriously deluded. However, the same Holy Spirit who was perfectly in Jesus is also available to us, and He works the same now as He did then. How we will do the things mentioned in this passage will be different for each individual, because no two people have identical gifting and circumstances, but everyone who is a true disciple of Jesus Christ will indeed be doing the things talked about here. The devil does all he can to twist the genuine humility that is essential for every believer into a false humility that says, “God couldn't do that through me.” Saying that instantly removes God from Lordship in our lives, because we are saying that our weakness is more powerful that He is. God wants to use every believer for His glory, but we draw back and refuse Him permission, which deprives us far more than it does Him.


I find I am very much involved in everything mentioned here, but I desire far greater effectiveness. I spend a good bit of time dealing with the brokenhearted (I like the Japanese expression of “those with wounded hearts”), but so often they seem to refuse the healing that is offered. I proclaim release to the captives, but they have to choose to walk through their prison door. Sometimes they are so used to their prison cell that they are afraid to leave. I am not to accuse, but rather encourage them to trust God who has made such a great salvation available to them. In all of this I am not to be discouraged by a low rate of return, but rather trust God and remember that not everyone who saw and heard Jesus received what He had to say, either.


Father, thank You for the privilege of being a disciple, hardships and all. Thank You for those who do respond, and for the opportunity to entrust them to You, and entrust those who don't respond as well. Help me keep growing in faithfulness and obedience, my spiritual hearing getting better day by day (whatever my physical hearing is doing), so that I may indeed fulfill all that You desire of and intend for me, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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