

イザヤ 16:5 一つの王座は恵みによって堅く立てられ、さばきをなし、公正を求め、正義をすみやかに行う者が、ダビデの天幕で、真実をもって、そこにすわる。

The English says the throne will be established in love, while the Japanese says it will be established in grace, but that is because of the different understandings of those two terms in the two languages. Otherwise, they agree fully on this verse, which is one of many in Isaiah speaking of Christ. It is significant that it is speaking, not of Israel or Judah, but of Moab. Isaiah received a clear revelation that God loves all mankind. That doesn't negate His covenant with Abraham, but it stands against any pride or claims of exclusivity. On a very immediate, practical level, this verse gives a concise description of good government: making judgments, seeking justice, and working righteousness without delay. Those things seem rather conspicuously absent from most governments today! In a democratic situation we are to work to achieve governments that approach that standard, voting people up or down on the basis of their faithfulness to it, but we aren't to pin our hopes on human government. We must always remember that God is God, and we aren't. Human governments aren't going to be perfect because they operate in a fallen world, but in the end, God's will will be done, and everything will be made right.


I have had plenty of temptation to get in a turmoil about government in recent years, both for Japan and America, but that has been largely wasted energy. I can't vote in Japan, and I vote by absentee ballot in the US only for presidential elections. I have prayed, but not enough. I have gotten vehement in discussions, largely for nothing. I need to remember that God is God, and at this point He is allowing us to have what we're asking for, though it is often not His best. I need to be sure that my own goals and motives are submitted to Him and allow Him to use me however He desires, but I should not waste my time and energy on distractions. The devil is an expert at waving things at us to take our attention away from what God has us doing, and I must not yield to that.


Father, the political world is certainly in turmoil right now, but to be realistic, no more so that many times throughout history. Help me stay grounded in You, not whipped around by what is going on around me but being a point of stability for those I influence, so that I and they may trust You and be obedient to what You are saying. Thank You for the hope and assurance we can have of the Lordship of Christ. May we be fully submitted to that Lordship even now, whatever is going on around us, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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