

箴言 18:22 良い妻を見つける者はしあわせを見つけ、主から恵みをいただく。

There is somehow quite a difference between “He who finds a wife finds what is good” and “He who finds a good wife finds happiness,” which is how the English and Japanese, respectively, render the first part of this verse. Once again I'd like to know what the Hebrew says! Sadly, many today aren't looking for a wife, they're looking for a bed partner, because marriage itself has been devalued. The Biblical concept of marriage, as something holy that is based on mutual respect and commitment, is being attacked from every angle possible, with a sickening degree of success. In the US at any rate, the divorce rate for church members is actually higher than for those outside the church. That gives young people little reason to value marriage. Recent reports indicate many are getting tired of “hooking up,” which is sex without any commitment at all, but they don't understand what the benefits of real marriage are, so cohabitation is increasingly the norm. However, multiple studies show that the emotional benefits of marriage simply aren't there for cohabiting couples, and that cohabitation before marriage significantly increases the chances of divorce. Only a Biblical approach, valuing what God says over societal norms, offers a real way out of this mess.


This has become intensely personal for me. I have no wisdom or power to transform people's thinking, which is where their actions spring from, but I can speak the truth in love, praying that the Holy Spirit will take the words I speak and write and use them to open people's eyes. There is a difficult line between accepting people as they are while standing on Biblical truth, and allowing them to think there's nothing wrong with their actions. I need God's help to stay on the right side of that line, without coming across as legalistic and judgmental. However, I must not let the fear of being called legalistic and judgmental cause me to abandon Biblical standards. That's a favorite trick of the devil, and he's used it with great success. I need to say, as Jesus did, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no more.” (John 8:11)


Father, too often I try to take over the Holy Spirit's job of convicting of sin. Forgive me. Help me be yielded and available to You, walking in Your holiness and love so that people will be given hope and a vision of what You intend them to be. Thank You for the many opportunities You give me to speak Your truth into people's lives. Keep me from thinking for a moment that I'm in control, but rather help me hear and obey You at all times, so that You will be free to work through me to destroy the devil's works and set people free, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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