

箴言 22:4 謙遜と、主を恐れることの報いは、富と誉れといのちである。

This simple statement, though completely true, is very seldom believed on a practical level. Jesus said things like, “Blessed are the meek,” but the world doesn't value meekness. Part of the problem is that the world doesn't understand true humility and how it is different from pride. It is not the same as a poor self image! Rather, it is recognizing that people are of equal value though differing ability, and that ability itself does not confer value. The reason humility is paired with the fear of the Lord in this verse is that the two are actually inseparable; you cannot be truly humble without acknowledging your Creator. True, accurate humility recognizes and acknowledges that everything comes from God, and that compared to God, everything is insignificant. In fact, our significance is precisely what God ascribes to us, no more and no less. That actually makes us very valuable, because God valued us so highly that He sent His Son to die for us, taking the penalty for our sin! Accurate humility does not preen, but neither does it grovel. Genuinely humble people are nice to be around, because they realize that you have as much potential to be used by God as they do.


That last point is an important one for me. Knowing how God has spoken through me, I tend to put more weight on my pronouncements than on the pronouncements of others. That's not to say that I'm to deny that God speaks through me, but it is to say that I should desire and expect that He speak through those around me as well. My focus must be on God and not on what He has placed in or done through me. I need to remember Balaam's donkey! Otherwise, I fall into pride, and pride is ultimately spitting in the face of God, saying, “I don't need You.” That is not only dangerous, it is the absolute height of stupidity! We all desire material resources, and God is certainly generous, and honor is nice, but what really matters is life in Christ, and that comes with humility and the fear of the Lord.


Father, thank You for this reminder. Being on the TV set Friday was very educational from the standpoint of observing pride, and I was not immune myself. Not preaching or even interpreting this morning is likewise very educational. An honest self-check tells me I've grown, but I've got room for more growth. Help me fulfill the part You have for me in this morning's service, not getting in the way but not holding back either. I ask Your overflowing anointing on the speaker as he speaks, and on the praise and worship leader as she leads the worship, and on the pianist as she plays. May I support them all in prayer by Your Spirit, so that Your purposes for us in this time may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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