

箴言 20:11 幼子でさえ、何かするとき、その行いが純粋か、正しいのかどうかを明らかにする。

God is the only one who knows someone's heart before they act, but a person's actions, their lifestyle, can make their heart pretty clear. This is the major thrust of the letter of James. Martin Luther, having re-discovered the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith, called James a “book of straw,” but today we have great need of it because of the many Christians who claim faith but don't demonstrate it in their daily lives. On the other side of that coin, external rules and regulations can create a semblance of rightness but not touch the inner man. That's why Jesus had such a fight with the Pharisees, and why legalism in general is such a snare. That creates something of a difficult balance for any thinking person who desires to be right with God and with men. The more we care about it, the more we are forced to depend on God, because only He can really cleanse our motives and purify our actions. However, that doesn't eliminate our responsibility to be committed to righteousness. Saying we want to please God but failing to seek to live according to the Bible is hypocrisy, pure and simple. However, as human beings we are quite prone to misinterpret each others' actions, ascribing motives that aren't there and receiving hurts that were never sent. That's one of several reasons why a judgmental attitude is very dangerous.


I have certainly walked through the middle of this struggle, and I won't be out of it until I stand before God's throne! As a physical and spiritual father I am responsible for guiding and correcting my children, so I need to be evaluating their activity. However, if I sit in judgment on them I put myself in the place of God, and that is dangerous in the extreme. I've got to be faithful and constant in seeking God's evaluation, of myself and others, and respond accordingly. He is the only one who fully knows our hearts, as well as all of our actions.


Father, I have blundered so many times in this area, failing to ask You how I should act or respond to someone. Forgive me. Help me entrust people to You indeed, not focusing on them so much as I focus on You, so that I may be encouraging and not judgmental, helpful and not hindering. I pray that all of us in this church, and all those You will add, may focus more and more on pleasing You in thought, word and deed, so that Your purposes for us may be fulfilled for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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