

箴言 20:9 だれが、「私は自分の心をきよめた。私は罪からきよめられた」と言うことができよう。

Interestingly, this is a point at which quite a lot of people will try to argue, but it all comes down to their definition of sin. Lots of people will say something like, “I've never done anything really bad,” not understanding that in the face of an absolutely holy God, any deviation from perfect holiness is “really bad,” Particularly in Japan, the term “sin” is associated with “crime,” and that is seen as defined by societal norms more than by any absolute standard. Thus, if a person has never done anything that would concern the police, they are likely to think they are without sin. That makes communicating the Gospel very difficult! However, the same mindset is becoming more and more widespread in the US as well, with an increasing number of people denying, at least publicly, the existence of absolute truth. That of course doesn't change the reality of absolute truth! Isaiah (Isaiah 63:6) and Paul (Romans 3:23) both stated categorically that every merely human being has sinned; Jesus is the only sinless One to walk the face of the earth. That is why we are all dependent on His personal sacrifice of Himself for our salvation.


As a pastor in Japan, this is my constant struggle: helping people understand they are sinners in need of salvation, without coming across as incredibly holier-than-thou. I am as much in need of salvation as the worst criminal on death row, but by the grace of God I have received that salvation and am in the process of working it out. (Philippians 2:12-13) People are regularly offended by my statements that they and others are less than perfect! However I cannot let the high probability of being misunderstood keep me from proclaiming the Gospel, because truth is truth whether or not it is believed, and if I proclaim it, some may believe and be saved. Again as Paul said, the love of Christ leaves me no choice; I have to proclaim the Gospel! (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)


Father, You know better than I do how imperfect and dependent on Your grace I am. Thank You not only for providing salvation through Your Son, but also for revealing to me my need of that salvation. I ask for an ever-increasing anointing of Your Spirit so that I may communicate Your salvation to others, so that they may see their own need and the magnificence of Your supply, and receive. May my life be a testimony of Your love and grace, drawing many from death to life, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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