

雅歌 1:4 あなたの愛をぶどう酒にまさってほめたたえ、真心からあなたを愛しています。

From the time of its inclusion in the canon, many in the Christian Church have been uncomfortable with the Song of Solomon and it's graphic depiction of physical attraction, but for the same period of time it has also been lauded as an allegory of Christ and the Church. Since, as the NIV specifies in a footnote, the “you” in this verse is masculine singular, that's not indefensible. However, I find I take a view somewhat between those two. The intensity of attraction is indeed something many Christians and many churches could use more of in relation to Christ, but the book is fundamentally a celebration of physical marital love. The other side of that is that many people divorce sex from holiness completely, and since they have a strong sex drive, they think they can never be holy. Even the apostle Paul stands firmly against that position, and he was single! Paul also drew a strong and beautiful parallel between the marital relationship and the relationship of Christ and the Church in Ephesians 5. At its best, sex involves every part of our being, which is why the devil does his utmost to distort and pollute it. It is probably going too far to take specific physical descriptions in Song of Solomon and apply them to the Church or even to Christ, but our love and devotion for Him should be as intense as what is depicted here.


I was incredibly blessed to be given a loving wife at a young age, but that's not to say that the devil hasn't attacked me in this area, and it's not to say that my devotion to Christ has always been intense. I have been kept from physical infidelity, for which I'm profoundly grateful, but my mental response to temptations hasn't always honored God. This is an area in which I must always keep my guard up, desiring Christ more than anything else and keeping my wife as the undisputed holder of 2nd place. This verse uses the phrase, “more than wine.” I must keep watch that I desire intimacy with God more than anything this world has to offer.


Father, You've placed some powerful things in us, and the enemy of our souls does all he can to distort them. Help me not only walk in joyful purity myself, but also encourage, guide, and help others to do the same. May this church be characterized by purity and intensity of devotion to Christ, so that we will be able to hear and obey You consistently and fully, so that all Your plans may be fulfilled for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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