

イザヤ 1:19-20 「もし喜んで聞こうとするなら、あなたがたは、この国の良い物を食べることができる。しかし、もし拒み、そむくなら、あなたがたは剣にのまれる」と、主の御口が語られたからである。

There is a significant difference between the English and the Japanese in the very first part of this passage. Where the English says, “If you are willing and obedient,” the Japanese says, “If you hear (listen) gladly.” Willing and obedient is certainly good, but it's got to start with hearing and listening to the voice of the Lord. That's why regular Bible reading and church attendance are so important. Most Christians, even, aren't to the level of intimacy with God that they hear His voice consistently as they're going about their daily routines. We need to read the Bible and listen to anointed preaching to help us. The devil does all he can to distract us and keep us from getting into the spiritual posture of listening to God, but as James says, if we will submit to God and resist the devil, he will flee from us. (James 4:7) When people “turn off their ears” toward God, for whatever reason, they are putting themselves in the place of the 2nd half of this passage, and I don't think anyone really wants to be there. I feel that for the Christian, “eat the best from the land ” means, “enjoy the riches of the kingdom of God,” because that is the land of which we are citizens. It doesn't take a very extensive knowledge of the Bible to make that seem very desirable indeed!


I have known and experienced this, which makes it all the more heartbreaking to see people resisting and refusing the Word of God. The results of that are never good. I cannot force anyone to hear and receive what God speaks through me, but I can pray and I can continue to speak the truth in love. The best thing about it all is that the moment a person repents and turns to God with an open heart, they are forgiven and received. I need to remember, believe, and teach that, because it is good news indeed. I, myself, have had moments of resisting what God was saying to me, and I know full well the results of that are needless pain and suffering on various levels. I need to pray for God's mercy and grace on me and my hearers, the anointing of the Holy Spirit on mouth and ears and hearts, so that His Word may be transmitted faithfully to accomplish His purposes for His glory.


Father, thank You for the privilege of speaking Your Word. It is not just a high honor, it is a heavy burden as I see only some receive, and some reject. I do ask for skill as a speaker, but I know that no amount of skill is any good without Your anointing. Help me be faithful as Your mouthpiece, not distorting or muting in any way what You are saying, so that all who will hear may be cleansed, encouraged, strengthened and guided, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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