

箴言 19:22 人の望みは、人の変わらぬ愛である。貧しい人は、まやかしを言う者にまさる。

Not knowing Hebrew, I don't know how “A man's greed is his shame” would be an alternate translation for “What a man desires is unfailing love,” as the NIV indicates in a footnote, but either way, this verse speaks to me. People can say what they want to, but in the depth of their being, what they really hope for is to be loved and to love, because that is what we were created for. The devil deceives us into thinking we really want riches or power or pleasure, and those things delight for a while, but many rich and/or powerful people have the taste of ashes in their mouths, because they have abandoned love in their pursuit of other things. People are quick to lie, to try to deceive, to get what they think they want, not understanding that such behavior is antithetical to the love they really crave. Not only does deception interfere with loving human interaction, it shuts us off from the greatest love of all, that of God for us. Paul stated in the strongest terms in Romans 8 that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, but we've got to be honest with God and with ourselves to be able to receive the full benefits of that love. Anyone who is pretending they have not sinned isn't walking in God's love.


I have been blessed incredibly in the area of love, to the point that some are jealous. I was raised in a genuinely loving family, and that included appropriate discipline. I was given a loving wife at what many consider a very young age, and our love has grown and matured over the past 41 years. Above all, I have known that God loves me, and that has been a rock in the middle of some stormy times. I don't think I've ever thought God didn't love me. I've known at times that He wasn't happy about things I did, and He has been gracious in correcting me, though that correction was sometimes painful. I had the incredible advantage of being raised by a father who lived by the principle of absolute honesty, and that has made a huge difference. I have lied at times to gain what I thought at the time was advantage of some sort, but I have been quick to recognize it was no advantage at all. I have a tendency to tell too much, actually, and that has caused problems at times, but I prefer that to being deceptive. As a pastor in Japan I face many challenges, because honesty is not valued as highly as surface harmony, and I have difficulty communicating not just the Biblical principle of total honesty, but even the idea that it is desirable. I need the anointing of the Holy Spirit to get through to people, because logical argument doesn't do the job. The devil is a liar and the father of lies, as Jesus said (John 8:44), and he does his utmost to wall us off from the love we desire and for which we were created. I've got to speak the truth in love at all times, regardless of the immediate response, so that people will have a chance to know the truth and be set free indeed.


Father, I didn't expect all of this from this verse! Thank You for Your faithfulness to speak to me. Help me indeed be faithful to speak the truth in love, being unstinting in both halves of that: love and truth. Keep me from saying more than I should. Help me gauge people's hearing ability accurately, so that I won't turn them off with a flood of information, however true (which I'm quite prone to do). Help me love people enough to risk rejection, so that Your truth may indeed set them free, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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