

箴言 21:30 主の前では、どんな知恵も英知もはかりごとも、役に立たない。

There are minor differences between the two languages – the English says “against the Lord” and the Japanese says “before the Lord,” the English says “succeed” and the Japanese says “is of any use” – but the point is clear in either language: humans can't compare to God. It is very significant that a major part of the original temptation in the Garden of Eden was, “You will be like God.” (Genesis 3:5) In classical Greek thought that was called hubris, and it is the ultimate expression of pride. There is real irony to that, because God in His grace desires and intends that we become like His Son Jesus (Ephesians 4:13, 15) and Jesus prayed that we would be in Him as He is in the Father (John 17:21, 22). However, that is initiated from God's side and is something we receive and grow into, rather than anything we deserve. This verse is actually dealing with a subset of that whole issue, the matter of wisdom. It took an absurdly long time, but I finally woke up a few years ago to the fact that it's not that God is smarter than I am, it's that He's smart and I'm not. Human ingenuity is remarkable and God allows us to accomplish some amazing things, as the news informs us almost daily, but that doesn't change the fundamental fact that God is God and we're not. Being like God, from creation (Genesis 1:27) is never a question of equivalence.

英語の「主に逆らって」と、日本語訳の「主の前で」と少々異なっています。英語では「成功する」が日本語では「役に立たない」となっています。どちらの訳語にしても、要点は明白です。人は神にかなわないと言うことです。エデンの園で誘惑が始まったのですが、その大きな部分を占めていたのが、「あなたは神のようになれる」(創世記3:5)でした。古典ギリシヤ語では、傲慢を意味します。その究極にあるのが高慢です。本当に皮肉なことですが、恵み深い神様が望んでおられるのは、私たちが御子イエスにに似た者となることです。(エペソ4:13,15)そしてイエスはまた、イエスが御父にあるように、私たちもまたイエスの内にいるように祈りました。(ヨハネ17:21,22) しかし、それは神様の方から始められたことで、私たちはそれを頂き、成長すればよいのです。本来は私たちは受けるに値しないのですが。この節は、この問題全体、つまり知恵に関することを示すものです。ひどく時間がかかってしましましたが、私は2~3年前、神様が私より賢いことに、ようやく気がつきました。神様が知恵者であって、私ではないと悟ったのです。人間の創意工夫の才能は素晴らしく、神様は私たちに驚くべきことをなさせてくださっています。そうしたニュースなら毎日、あります。しかし、神様が神様であり、私たちは神様でないという根本的事実が変わることはありません。創造の時から人を神の形とされたことは(創世記1:27)疑う余地のないことです。

Application is indeed the big issue here: what difference should this make in the way I live? In the first place, I need to seek God's guidance in everything, particularly in planning. The Bible has almost countless passages that either say this explicitly or point out the stupidity of failing to do so. I need to be grateful for the abilities God has given me, but never be puffed up because of them. Rather, I need to submit everything – my abilities, my plans, my circumstances – to God and seek His kingdom and His righteousness, as Jesus said. (Matthew 6:33) After all, God's wisdom and power are infinite, and His plans will succeed!


Father, thank You for Your gracious blessings to us. They are certainly far more and better than we deserve. Help us recognize Your plans for us and rejoice to follow them, because Your provision is always abundant when we are in Your will. Specifically, I ask for Your clear guidance as I shepherd this flock, that moment by moment we may be and do what You desire, nothing less, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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