

ルカ 5:17-26

S: ルカ 5:17

O: Ah, translation! I find myself envying Cathy, who uses the Greek in her devotions whenever the reading is in the NT! There are two major differences between the NIV and the Japanese here. The NIV says “the power of the Lord was present,” where the Japanese says “Jesus used the power of thee Lord.” Also, the NIV says “heal the sick,” referring to the people who were healed, while the Japanese says “healed diseases.” Checking the King James, Amplified, and NASV translations, I find that the word “present” isn't present in the Greek, and it would seem the Greek likewise says “perform healing,” without specifying people or diseases, but I have heard sermons that stressed the very points that are translated differently. That shows how careful we should be to speak what we hear God saying, rather than some intellectual analysis of a Bible passage. In any case, Jesus was “destroying the works of the devil,” as it says in 1 John 3:8, and He was doing it by the power of God. That likewise is our calling and commission, because Jesus said that He was sending us as He was sent (John 20:21). That applies to disease, deception, and every­thing else the devil does, but it can only be done in the power of God, not our own. Trying to do it in our own power will result in defeat every time, but nothing is too difficult for God.

O: またしても翻訳です!デヴォーションにギリシヤ語の新約聖書を使っている家内を羨ましく思わずにいられません!ここではNIV版と日本語版に二つの大きな 違いが見られます。NIV版では「主の御力があった(present)」となっていますが、日本語訳では「イエスは主の御力を使った」となっています。さ らに、NIVでは「病人をいやした」となっていてますが、日本語では「病を治した」となっています。キングジェームズ版とAmplified、NASV版 を確かめてみました。ギリシヤ語版には「present(臨在)の語はありません。ギリシャ語版では、人や病を治したとは書かれておらず、ただ「癒しを 行った」とあるようです。しかし、私は上記と異なる点を強調した説教を聞いたことがあります。聖書の文章をただ知的に解釈するのではなく、神様の御言葉を 注意深く聞く必要があるでしょう。いずれにせよ、ヨハネ3:8に書かれているように、イエスは神様の力によって「悪魔の働きを壊し」ています。同じように 私たちの召しと献身もそうあるべきです。イエスが遣わされたように私たちも遣わされているからです(ヨハネ20:21)。病、欺き、その他全て悪魔の仕業 に対して応用できることですが、それも神の御力によってそうなされるのです。決して私たちの力ではありません。自力で試みることは必ず敗北に終わります。 しかし、神にとって何ら不可能なことはありません。

A: I long to be able to speak and someone be delivered, lay hands on someone and they be healed, but I've got to abide in Christ for it to happen. As He said, apart from Him I can do nothing! However, He also said that those who believe in Him would do even greater things than He did in His earthly ministry. My focus must be on Him, not on the devil and certainly not on myself. Even as I remember that the power is not of me, I've got to have faith that His power is in me to do His will for His glory. I must not draw back out of fear of failure or embarrassment; that would be focusing on myself. Rather, I must be so focused on Christ that He will be completely free to act through me by His Spirit for His glory.

し かしイエスを信じる者はイエスの地上での働き以上のことを成すとも語っています。私の焦点は悪魔やましてや私ではなく、イエスに置くべきです。力が私のう ちにあるのではなく、神様のご栄光のための御意志が私を通してなされることを信じているべきでしょう。失敗することの恐れ、恥ずかしさにひるんではいられ ません。それは自分自身に焦点を合わせていることになります。ただキリストに目を向け、ご栄光のために聖霊様が私に働いて解放してくださることをしっかり 見つめていたいと思います。

P: Father, thank You for this reminder. Thank You for what You did in my visit to the mental hospital yesterday. I do pray for the full deliverance of those patients, both for their sake and for Your glory. F and M are both aware of exactly when they were demonized, and I have full expectation of their deliverance. T is in a way a harder case, yet he has shown considerable improvement in recent weeks. I pray that ward would be cleared, with everyone delivered, healed, and born again, as a powerful testimony of Your grace and love. Thank You also for being able to pray for A last night, and for the much better understanding of what she is facing. Thank You that she is indeed turning to You alone for her protection, and that You are fulfilling all that You had us pray last night, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P:  お父様。このことを思い出させてくださり有難うございます。昨日、精神病院でのことを感謝します。入院患者自身のため、そしてあなたのご栄光のため、彼 らの完全な解放を祈ります。F さんとMさんは悪魔の仕業だとわかっていますので、私は彼らの解放を期待しています。Tは難しい状態ですが、最近、目覚ましく良くなっています。病室が清潔になり、全ての患者が良くなり、癒いまされ、あなたの恵みと愛の力 強い証し人になるよう祈ります。Aさんのため昨夜、祈れたことを感謝します。彼女が直面している問題に問題を把握できていることを感謝します。彼女の守り にはあなたが必要だと気づいてきています。昨夜、私たちが祈りをできたことを有難うございます。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!

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